Security Analysis and Audits
ITC Security Consultants uses a unique customized approach to conduct security audits for our clients. Most consulting companies only audit the basic structure or building when conducting their audits. Because they take this one dimensional approach their reports can become time sensitive and out dated within a few weeks. They also leave out the most important aspect of the equation,” the people”. Every crime that occurs starts with the actions of an individual or individuals. By understanding the criminal’s mindset you can accurately predict how, why and when an event is likely to occur.
Our team of consultants have spent their entire careers dealing with people who commit crimes. We have watched them plan and commit these crimes, arrested them in the act, and interviewed them to find out why they picked their target. We even analyze their patterns of crime to accurately forecast future trends and behaviours. In our careers our consultants have also spoken to the victims of crime to understand their vulnerabilities and what may have made them a victim of crime. We have assisted them in providing solutions so as not to be re-victimized again. We believe that having the perspectives of how a criminal behaves and how a victim is targeted is crucial when performing security audits.
ITC Security Consultants conducts physical security audits for our residential and corporate clients. With our knowledge in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and by utilizing our own Security Assessment Model (SAM) we are able to provide the most comprehensive audits available. This approach helps us achieve the maximum safety and security levels for our customers.